Monday, December 3, 2012

Vegas is hard

I'll tell you what, staying on any type of routine is so hard when you travel.  Especially when you travel to Las Vegas.  I have had chicken and waffles and so many carbs it is ridiculous, even though I have been trying to stay on target.  It is also hard to get up and work out.  Staying motivated after walking all day is pretty much non-existent.  Pray for me and my journey, I need it!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

1 Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Wow, Thanksgiving was a hard one.  I tried to do well, but I just was having such a hard time.  Can you beleive I gained 10 lbs, in just the week.  and I thought I was doing good.  Well the good news is I have worked my tail off and lost those 10lbs in just under a week.  It must have been all the salt I had.  I have been trying to stay away from salt, and so just a little threw me off my game.  I am hoping to see a few more lbs off soon.  I will let you know!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Sore Legs

Holy smokes, my legs are so sore!  But if feels good, even though it hurts when I move, at least I am moving.  Get up and move and watch the lbs come off!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

It's okay to cry

Today was a tough day.  I haven't mentioned it yet, becuase I am so familiar with quitting the gym, that I didn't want to tell anyone.  Well, here it is, I have been going to the gym Monday - Thursday for the past couple weeks.  I have a great trainer and he works me hard enough, but not to hard that I pass out.  I do puck though... I know, not very ladylike.  Well, this morning I was crying before I even got out of bed.  I was sore and did not want to go.  Well, thanks to my husband, I went, I needed a little push.  I cried all the way there and my poor trainer thought someone had died.  Well, needless to say, I spent the next hour working out while crying.  Don't ask me why today was so tough, but at the end of it all, I can say "I worked out today and didn't quit".

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Never Give Up!!!

Well, I lost it today.  It is hard to explain what a fatty goes through, especially when you are married to a man who has never had a food problem.  Am I the only one who has these issues?  I tried so hard to explain it, but I won't ever give up trying to lose the weight and get healthy, but sometimes it is hard and I do get frustrated.  I just want to make sure I NEVER GIVE UP!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

It's tough - it's an excuse FATTY!!!

Well, some people are trying to lose 10 lbs as their goal.  I can gain or lose 10 lbs in the matter of morning til night.  My body loves to hold onto water and I am getting frustrated.  I know it's my own decision to eat the unhealthy fast food and trust me I don't really want to.  Okay, maybe this is all an excuse.  In fact, as I sit here writing this, I know it is an excuse.  I need, need, need to break out of these excuse driven paterns.  In the summer it's too hot and in the winter it's too cold.  Yes, I know...all excuses.  Therefore I will pray.  I ask that God will help me in this battle and take away the urge to make bad decisions and give me the stength to make good ones. - I'll keep you updated.  Support is welcomed!!!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Traveling is hard

I have such a hard time when I travel.  Even when I do my best to make healthy choices and not go crazy on my calories, I still seem to gain weight.  I know that alot of it has to do with water weight from the long car rides and plane rides, but it gets depressing.  I can go away for a weekend, exercise while I am away and still come back 10 lbs heavier.  Yes, that is TEN ponds in less than 48 hours.  How does that happen.... Sheesh... The good news in, I lost 5 lbs the next day, however I still have an additional 3 lbs to go, since I lost 2 more the third day back.  I am looking forward, to getting back to0 where I began, then I have to go on another trip.  It's a never ending cycle.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Mind over Pounds

I have been losing some pounds, but I am afraid to claim them.  Why you ask?  Because, I don't want them back, but... I feel in my mind, they will come back.  I have been through this before.  I have seen the same numbers com and go so many times, I can barely count.  I remember 10 years ago, saying I will never be this big again, yet here I am trying to lose those same pounds.  Well, I think, NO... I KNOW, I will claim these lost pounds and never return.  The difference between now and then is, then I was fad dieting, everything I could do.  Now I am educating myself.  Not depriving, but making the right choices.  So those lost pounds... yeah I may see one or two of them back every now and again, but that will only be as I teeter-totter before they are gone forever.  I say teeter-totter, because, I don't know about you, but I can gain or lose 5lbs in the matter of 8am to 8pm then again from midnight to 8am, crazy I know.  But I am telling, as I tell myself Mind over Pounds, we are in charge today!

Monday, May 28, 2012

It's a goal...

Okay, so here I am multiple hundreds of pounds on me and I have set a goal.  I WILL (changed as I was typing I want) finish the Color Run in Phoenix, AZ in January 2013.  I have put it out to all my friends, to let them know I will do it.  If it is one thing I hate, is saying I will do something and not doing, so that is why I told my friends.  Even though I haven't run more than 30 feet in 20 years.  This is my goal and I will ask you all to hold me accountable as well.  I hope this will also inspire others to set a goal for themselves as well.  A goal should be challenging and I think this will surely give me a challenge.  You know what the best thing would be? If come November or December, I begin to think this wasn't a challenge at all.  Who knows, may by January, I will consider a half marathon as my challenge.  Wish me luck and I hope you will join me! Here is the link, no info for 2013 out yet, but I will keep you posted.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Do it today!

Well, I haven't been around in a while, it is still an ongoing battle.  I have found a great little device for my Ipad though.  It is called MyFitnessPal.  This app tracks everything from weight, calories to sodium.  If you or interested in following me, find me at username ProjectLoseLbs  I would love to have you hold me accountable.  Until then, remember, you CAN'T get today back, tomorrow.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Getting ready for a cruise -

Well, I am getting ready to go on a cruise next week.  I am already worried about how much weight I will gain in the next week.  Everyone knows that cruises are all about the 24 hour food buffets.  i am also worried about how much walking I will be doing.  Is it crazy that I think about these things?  This is was overweight people think about.  The world is not completely open to someone who carries an extra couple hundred pounds.  The mind is always going on thinking about weight, size of chairs etc...  I am working on a day where these are not thoughts and issues of mine, but I am sure it will be a long time before that happens.  Wish me luck on the cruise.  I will do my best, but can't help but think about the desserts that I will have to make sure I portion control.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Still doin' it - Stay Strong

This is not an easy thing.  I am still "dieting" and trying my best to stay "on the right track".  I find myself "quoting" allot.  I don't know why, it just makes me feel better.  I guess it is better than food making me feel better.  I am trying to make a conscious effort to choose the right thing.  That in itself is hard.  It is so much easier to go out and grab a burger than it is to stay home and cook.  But what I keep saying to myself is this, here come the quotes "fast food does not taste good, a home cooked meal is much better tasting".  When I tell myself that (making a effort to do so and trusting myself) I believe myself and believing in yourself seems like a great first step when trying to accomplish anything.  So let's start by believing in ourselves and telling ourselves the truth!  Stay strong, we can do this!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

It's a tough decision

Being overweight is NOT fun!  I have been having a difficult past week.  I have decided to try Herbalife and am having two shakes a day.  I will let you know how it goes.